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SQL Server Backup


To take a backup of SQL Server Database

Option 1 - From Sql Server Management Studio

  • Go to SQL Server Management Studio
  • Expand the databases
  • Right Click the TimeTrack Database
  • Select Tools - Backup
  • You would be presented a standard backup path. You can remove it and Add a new path.
  • Proceed further to take a backuo
Option 2 - From TimeTrack software
  • Option not available as now. Would be added in 15 days
Key: SQLServerBackup, SQLServer, Backup, BackupSQLServer
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Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: SQL Server Version
Date added: 09/08/2012 10:49:27
Views: 521
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.0/5.0 (8)

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